Tag Archives: The lives of Many

The Lives of Many, May 7

You, God, have glorified Your servant Jesus…” (Acts 3:13 NIV). Help me not to shrink back from declaring the “whole plan of God” to whom You entrust to me (Acts 20:27 HCSB). When I hear a word from Your mouth, may I be bold to give a warning (Eze. 3:18 HCSB). For You say, “…If any among you strays from the truth, and someone turns you back, [you] should know that whoever turns a sinner from the error of [their] way will save the sinner’s life from death and cover over a multitude of sins (Jas. 5: 19-20 HCSB). Help me Jesus to take You seriously. The lives of many depend on it. In Your precious Name, Amen.