Tag Archives: rip-stick

Go to the Bible, April 4

After the day was done yesterday, one of my babies handed me a note that said, “Go to the Bible in your problem, it can always solve them.” The boys, me, and the dog ventured out to Wal-Mart to get the tires changed yesterday. It took a while and so the boys ended up rip-sticking on a sidewalk adjacent to Wal-mart. Conflict arose over the rip-stick and so we ended up putting the rip-stick back in the car. This did not go over well with one of the children and so I grabbed the Bible we brought with us to find a verse to encourage us all as we waited for the car to be fixed. I had a particular verse in mind but couldn’t find it, so I ended up beginning at Proverbs 1 and read through Proverbs 4. In the midst, I sensed something so I looked up and around me had gathered listening people (from two separate cars) who had returned from shopping to their parked cars around the sidewalk where we sat. Not only that, the child who had been put off by the confiscation of the rip-stick now sat very close and was asking for forgiveness for his earlier actions. God poured out His Spirit right there in the parking lot of Wal-mart, brought repentance, unity, and some ready ears. His Word truly can solve problems…always…and then some—powerful and effective, sharper than a double-edged sword. Jesus, You are AMAZING!